last week my friend sent me her kiddos' wish lists for santa. what they asked for and how they went about asking for it made me smile, and i just had to share...i especially love josie's crafty list of requests.
Sycamore's Christmas List:
1. a docking system for my iPod.
2. a vickings foot ball jersay.
3. a Ghana soccer jersay. eney soccer jersay would be fine.
4. a laptop.
5. a bike pump.
Josie Mae's "crismis list"
(with stars drawn next to the most important)
1. A drum sett *
2. Apples 2
3. A per of worm boots
4. Yarn
5. seshells
6. A worm blaingkit
7. A swetr
8. A ameracin grl dol *
9. A strobere plent *
10. A nit lit
Josie's crismis List (part II)
1. A staft anaml lam *
2. A staft anaml scwrul *
3. A box of bloc crans
4. A sag bush that lak lik a crismis chre *
5. sinamin
6. A wdin spoon And bowl